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Late Season Whitetail

Late Season Whitetail

Monday 11/30/2015
1. Snatch off blocks #155,165,175,185,195 no misses

2. 21-15-9 for time of:
pwr snatches, overhead squats, squat snatches
over the bar burpees

3. 1 minute max effort : 1 minute of rest
muscle ups - 16
10" def hspu strict - 5
pull-ups strict - 21
10" def hspu kipping - 12
chest to bar pull-ups - 37
strict hspu - 17

Tuesday 12/1/2015
1. 4 rounds for time:
7 C&J #185
14 toes to bar
21 box jumps 24"

2. 10 rounds of:
1 minute max effort row (meters)
1 minute rest

3. Max Distance HS Walk 100'

Thursday 12/3/2015
1. Weightlifting
EOMOM Snatch x2 75%, 80%, 85%, 80%, 75%
#165,175,185,175,165 felt good.

2. Conditioning
25 min AMRAP:
20 KBS 70/53
Row 500m
20 Push Press 95/65
Row 500m
20 Burpees
Row 500m
Row 500m
20 Front Rack Lunges 95/65
Row 500m
20 DB Squat Cleans 40/25
Row 500m
1 round + 20 kbs + 500m + 20 push press + 500m + 18 burpees.

Friday 12/4/15
1. Push jerk plus split jerk

2. 10x2 back squat with #80 chains #275

3. Partner WOD. Alternating rounds for 20min:
15 dubz
10box jump overs 24"
5 thrusters #135
20 rds

Hunted from a tree stand for over 100 hours in 10 days, had one decent encounter but with no shot. The rut was gone by the time our late season showed up. I hope all the bucks make it through the winter because I honestly wasn't seeing the mature bucks that I hoped for, even on camera. It was a great year of hunting. Not my most successful year in terms of number of harvest, but definitely a memorable year. I learned a lot and have some great ideas for 2016!

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