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Back From Arizona

Back From Arizona
The 22 hour drive sucked both ways, but the elk hunting was legit. Late season AZ archery elk boasts a 3% success rate and that is not by mistake. The bulls live in nasty canyons that are rocky and hard to access, especially with the swirling winds. There's no shortage of great bulls, but they make their living in remote country and are always on high alert. I would give this hunt a 10 out of 10 even though I didn't punch my tag. It's extremely physical unless you try sitting water holes, but I am here to tell ya that this year there was water in every canyon. I love the terrain, the weather (rain, snow, and blue skies), and the tactics required to kill a bull. I felt like I was mule deer hunting and the closest I got was 94 yards from a 340 bull. It's a steep learning curve and I know I will be back someday. IMG_0881 IMG_0890 copy IMG_0914 IMG_0922IMG_0960 IMG_1597 Monday 11/23/2015 1. Snatch Every 2 minutes for 7 rounds: 1 Hang Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch #145,150,155,165,170,175,185 2. Snatch Pulls 3×2 with 100% of 1RM Snatch #225 2×1 with 110% of 1RM Snatch #235 3. Snatch Grip Push Pres 5×2, climbing #185,195,200,195,205 4. Squat A. Work up to a heavy double bottom up Front Squat – #225,245,255 B. 2×8 Front Squats #225 5. complex: 10 TTB + 10 C2B + 10 Bar Muscle ups Tuesday 11/24/2015 1. 1. Lower Body Pull 2×4 Sumo Deadlift with chains or bands #135,185| 235,265,285,305 PLUS bands 2. 3 Rounds: 500m Row 12 Hang Power Cleans, 170 50 Double Unders 12:00 ish?? 3. Gymnastics A. 1 minute of max Muscle ups | 13 Rest 1 minute B. 1 minute of max Strict Deficit HSPU, 10/6″ | 10 Rest 1 minutes C. 1 minute of max Strict Pull ups | 18 Rest 1 minutes D. 1 minute of kipping Deficit HSPU, 10/6″ | 15 Rest 1 minutes E. 1 minute of max unbroken C2B pull ups | 36 Rest 1 minute F. 1 minute of Strict HSPU | 12 Wednesday 11/25/2015 Opening day of Washington late archery. I watched my daughter in the morning and sat the afternoon shift. I saw a 120 buck and a basket 4x4 buck. It was cold and the deer were not moving until late. Thursday 11/26/2015 Thanksgiving!!! My favorite Holiday | Food, Family, & Football Sat the stand until 1pm. I had one of the best bucks I've ever seen on the hoof circle me in search of lady companionship. I grunted him back in to 30 yards but couldn't get a shot with some limbs. Damn!!! Friday 11/27/20151. Snatch Grip Push Jerk – from behind the neck 3-2-1-1-1, Climbing worked up to #225 2. Snatch Balance 3-2-1-1-1, Climbing worked up to #205 | found a glaring weakness 3. Conditioning 3 RFT: 9 Dumbbell Squat Cleans, #60's 15 Burpees 21 TTB 8:57 Hiked in #50 of feed for the deer in my mountain spot. Got back down the mountain so my wife could sit her stand. Saturday 11/28/2015 Sat my mountain buck stand from dark to dark. Long day! Saw 5 does and 1 basket buck. Very disappointing, I am taking the morning off tomorrow to workout and hang with the family. Sunday 11/29/2015 1. Back Squat 5x5 climbing | #205,235,255,275,300 2.Conditioning 10 Rounds of: :20 Bike, :40 Rest 89 Calories on the Assault Bike Took the day off from the tree stand to spend time with family. Hunting takes it tole so being cognizant and putting selfish hunting goals aside every once in a while is something I need to do more of. The Seahawks got a big WIN. It was a great day.

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