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Day Number Three

Day Number Three

I am going for 4 Days in a row this week, just to mix it up, and because of the holiday weekend. I was beat up today on day three, trying my best to get motivated, but my workout partner showed up on time and I had no choice. That's why training with someone can be critical - the days you don't have it, they bring it and force you to quit being a baby.

I also went to the range, shot a few arrows in some gusty wind, broadheads mind you, and I am feeling lethal. I have 6 buckets of bait and grease behind the box ready to go for tomorrow. Alicia is coming up to bear camp this weekend so she can drive me all around baiting and help me keep an eye out for alpine boars cruising for ladies.

Todays' Workout:
1. 2x1 Power Clean + Squat Clean + Squat Clean 60% #175
2. 2x2 Power Clean + Squat Clean + Squat Clean + Power Clean + Squat Clean + Squat Clean 65% #195
3. 4x3 Power Snatch #125, 145, 160, 165
4. 4x12 GHD Sit-Ups ... superset 3 & 4
5. For Time:
200m Run
30 T2B
20 Wall Ball Shots #30
5 Hang Squat Snatches #155
200m Run
5 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Wall Ball Shots #30
30 Box Jumps 24"
200m Run

***holy crap, my wrist didn't hurt and my shoulder didn't bother me as bad as it usually does...don't call it a comeback.

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