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Been really busy, insanely busy, still trying to come up for air, so this post is right to the point.

I have the 2015 Nitrum, it's set-up, I'm shooting a few arrows everyday, it's going to be a killing machine.

1/17/15 - Oregon Winter Games Day 1... I overhead squatted #255, we won the deadlift ring dip wod and we won the rowing and chest to bar couplet. Sitting in 1st Place overall.

1/18/15 - Oregon Winter Games Day 2... We took 2nd in the first wod and like 3rd on the last wod, ended up 2nd place due to a "tie-break" advantage to the other team. Felt good to win some cash and stand on the podium.

1. - Squat Cleans 5x5 #185,195,205,210,215,215
2. - 4min AMRAP x3 (2 min rest b/t AMRAP's)
10 Front Squats 155lbs
40 Double-unders
10 Bar Facing Burpees
376 Reps
3. 1 Deadlift #335, 1 Strict Muscle Up, 2,2, 3,3, etc.. for 7 minutes
I made it through 5 rounds and pulled a muscle in my lower back (Quadratus lumborum)... it's pretty bad and I am going to have to take a few days off.

1/21/15 EMOM for 5 Rounds at each station:
40 Yard Prolwer #250
2 Rope Climbs Legless
10 Strict HSPU

AM - Swim WOD
40M Sprint, 1 minute rest, 5 rounds - :42, :41, :39, :39, :41
80M Sprint, 2 minute rest, 3 rounds - 1:42, 1:40, 1:30

Push Jerks 4x4 70-80% #195, 205, 215, 225
15 Rounds For Time:
10 yard Prowler #340
2 Burpee Muscle Ups
3 Deficit HSPU Kipping

150 Wall Ball Shots #30WB
90 Dubs
30 Muscle-Ups
255 reps...

Tonight I'm going to do another swim workout....

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