Today's Workout
1. Back Squat 3x5 80% #295
2. Barbell Lunges 3x8 #135
3. Reverse Hypers 3x8 #90
4. EMOM 5 Minutes Low Hang Squat Clean + 2 Full Cleans #225
5. Axle Bar Power Clean + Split Jerk 5x1 #205
6. 5 Rounds for time:
Axle Bar #135 Power Clean x10
Kettlebell Swings #70 x10
This weekend I checked on 3 baits only 1 was getting hit down low. The Razer is bomb for loading up baits, stands, and hauling ass through the mountains. 2 out of my 3 baits have new logging operations between me and my baits, this crap happens every year, roll with the punches.

Here's the set-up for my spot that's getting hammered by four different bears - I love the view, I can get down and go stalk any bears feeding on grasses.

This is how I film my bear hunts - you can get this from mudddy at any Cabela's - works pretty damn good.

I had a bear break my case on my trail camera, this bear worked over my camera for over an hour and actually bent the metal - impressive.

The 2014 Carbon Spyder is ready to rock tipped with Easton FMJ's and Shuttle T-Locks 100 grain.

Here are some of the little bears that I got to film this weekend:

Here's the little shit that broke my trail camera case :)