A great time watching our farm team compete at a very high level - we took 18th place, not bad at all. I am so proud of the team members and their effort, next year I will be on that floor making a run for the CrossFit Games - we've qualified 2x before, we can do it again. Until then...
1. Squat Cleans #185,215,225,255,275,290missed
2. Back Squat 1x5 90% #330
3. C&J 5x1+3 Axle Bar #115, 165, 195, 205, 210
4. Front Squat 80% 1x2 #275, 85% 1x2 #285
5. Conditioning: 15 Minute Amrap, Add 10 reps each round:
10 Wall Ball Shots #30
10 Burpees
10 Toes To Bar
3 rounds + 56 reps