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thursday & friday

04/24/2014 Front Squat 2x5 65% #205 Clean Pulls 3x2 85% #245, 3x2 90% #265 Halting Clean Deadlift (mid-thigh) 3x3 75% #215 Conditioning: work = rest, 3 Rounds of: Burpee Box Jump 30" Farmer Walks #165 each hand 50 yards down, 50 yards back splits: 1:16, 1:32, 1:40 04/25/2014 1. EMOM for 10 minutes ODD: Axle Bar C&J #180 (add 1 rep each round) EVEN: High Bar Back Squat Pause Squats x2 #245, #275, #275, #275, #285 2. "Helen" 450m Run (that's the course we had) + 21 KBS #53 + 12 Pull-ups 9:13 3. 3x5/each leg barbell lunges #135 + reverse hypers #100x5

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