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  • Week 14 | 2019

    Week 14 | 2019

    Monday 4/1/19 Back Squats 3x5 warm-up sets, x5 205#, x5 235#, x5 270#, x3 315# Team of 3, 30 Rounds For Time (one person working at a time), 5 Thrusters...

  • Week 13|2019

    Week 13|2019

    Monday 3/25/2019 Establish a heavy CLUSTER + THRUSTER | 205# 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 Thrusters 95# and Chest to Bar Pull-ups | 12:08 Superset: Bench Press 135# 3x12 Plus 20" Box Step-ups...

  • Week 5 | 2019

    Week 5 | 2019

    Monday 1/28/2019 CrossFit Total: 1 rep max squat, strict press, & deadlift | 345#, 170#, 365# 14 minute AMRAP: 7 muscle ups, 50 wall ball shots 20#, 100 double unders...

  • Week 4 | 2019

    Week 4 | 2019

    Monday 1/21/19 Stamina Squatting: 64% of 1rm Front Squat (225#) EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 12 minutes... ODD x3 front squats plus :30s dBall hold 150#, EVEN: x6...