Week 19 | 2019
I will say this was a planned DELOAD week coming off that Spartan Beast Race in Montana... so here's what I did do: Monday 5/6/19 32 Min EMOM (every minute...
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I will say this was a planned DELOAD week coming off that Spartan Beast Race in Montana... so here's what I did do: Monday 5/6/19 32 Min EMOM (every minute...
Monday 4/1/19 Back Squats 3x5 warm-up sets, x5 205#, x5 235#, x5 270#, x3 315# Team of 3, 30 Rounds For Time (one person working at a time), 5 Thrusters...
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Monday 10/15/18 1. Back Squat, build to a heavy set of 7 reps | 275# 2. Power Snatch Doubles | 95#,115,135,145,155 3. Bench 3-2-1 | 195#x3, 210#x2, 225#x1 4. For...
Only 3 training sessions this week, but they were all horrible... Took the family camping down in souther Idaho and got some Antelope scouting in as well. Looks like my...
Partner Spotlight: EXO MOUNTAIN GEAR How to Load a Pack for training: Monday 3/5/2018 1. Back Squats, warm up 135x10, 185x10 2 Rounds: 225x8, rest 1 minute 245x6, rest 1...