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  • Week 3 | 2019

    Week 3 | 2019

    Monday 1/14/19 8 rep heavy back squat | 275#, then 2x8 at 90% of that number 250# 8 rep heavy push press | 145#, then 2x8 at 90% of that...

  • WEEK 49

    WEEK 49

    Monday 12/10/18  (1) EMOM 12 Minutes: min 1 15 cal bike, min 2 15 cal row, min 3 12 burpees (2) Back Squat 5x5 275# (3) 10 Minute AMRAP: 15 toes...

  • Week 29 | 2018

    Week 29 | 2018

    Monday July 23rd 2018 1. 3 rep hang power clean | 135,155,175,195,215,235x1 2. 6 rep push press | 115/135/155/175/200x3 3. Back Squats 135x5,205x5,255x4,285x3,305x2,325x1,255x10 4. 7 Rounds, Every 3:00 Minutes 400m...