September Has Arrived
August 31st,2015 1. Establish a heavy Snatch #135,155,175,185,195,205 2. Establish a heavy C&J #185,215,235,255,265 3. 5x10 Back Squats climbing #185,205,225,245,265 4. EMOM for 8 Minutes x5 Muscle Ups with #10...
Sign up for ElkShape Training!
August 31st,2015 1. Establish a heavy Snatch #135,155,175,185,195,205 2. Establish a heavy C&J #185,215,235,255,265 3. 5x10 Back Squats climbing #185,205,225,245,265 4. EMOM for 8 Minutes x5 Muscle Ups with #10...
Did the last open wod today #15point5 and it was as advertised | Power + Engine 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters M 95 lb. F 65 lb....