Sunday was a little extra credit:
1.Full Snatches light and fast
#115x3, 165x3
2. For Time:
10 Front Squats #205
10 Burpee Muscle Ups
4:33... Chris Spealer 3:30.
3. Snatch Pulls
#185 3x2, #215 3x2
4. Push Jerks 3x2 #185
Monday Monster Mash
1. Snatch off blocks (at knee) 5x1
#145x2, 165x2, 175, 185
2. C&J off blocks (at knee) 5x1
3. 3x3 Squat Snatches Every :90 seconds #175
4. Snatch Balances 5x2 #145,165,185,195,215
5. Full Squat Clean EMOM for 10 minutes 70-80%
6. Partner WOD (with Bash)
3 Rounds For Time:
400m Row + double KBS #35's x30 + 30 Wall Balls #20
2 Rounds of Cindy Each