Saturday November 1st

November is finally here. I totally get sucked into whitetail mode this time of year. I have a deer tag for Idaho and WA, so should be able to get some good hunts in up in a tree. Whitetails are super tricky buggers, they are on high alert and getting a mature buck on public land is truly a worthy challenge to pursue. Here's a little video from this afternoon:
Today's workout:
1) Muscle Snatch + Snatch Grip Push Press + OHS 2+2+2, 3 sets at heaviest weight
2) Slow Snatch Deadlift + Slow Full Snatch
3) Conditioning
1K Row - 3:31
rest 2 min
750m Row - 2:38
rest 2 min
500m Row - 1:49
rest 2 min
250m Row - 0:48
Cambered Bar Box Back Squats
#275 5x2