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Pre-4th of July

Pre-4th of July

Don't worry about staying on track through the 4th of July weekend, let your guard down for sure... kick back and have some cold ones and eat sloppy and don't train. Separation is in the preparation - this holiday is one of my favorites, I'll be training tomorrow at 6:30AM getting my workout done and winning the day. If you start to coast, I will start to sprint. I will have the throttle down, hammer down, pedal to the medal, bowhunting season comes once a year, I will be ready for September, so while most people party through the weekend, I will stay on my grind and keep the needle moving in the right direction.

1. Full Clean & Jerk 5x1 #225, 225, 245, 255, 265
2. High Bar Back Squat 1x20 65% #245
3. Deadlift Session #335x1, #415x3, #440x2 touch and go
4. EMOM for 6 minutes 10 Wall Ball Shots #40 (odd) & 15 Toes to Bar (even)
5. 10 minute AMRAP
7 Power Cleans #165
7 Bar Facing Burpees
200m Run
5 rounds.

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