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Posterior Chain Torch

Posterior Chain Torch

1. Back Squat EoMOM
85% #315 x4
90% #345 x1
85% #315 x4
90% #345 x1
85% #315 x4
90% #345 x1

2. 5x10 GHD Sit-Ups
3. Unbroken Sets:
8 pull-ups,7 chest to bar, 6 bar mu's
6 pull-ups,5 chest to bar, 4 bar mu's
4 pull-ups, 3 chest to bar, 3 bar mu's
5 pull-ups, 5 chest to bar, 5 bar mu's

3. 20 minute AMRAP
6 Deadlifts #275
7 Burpee Box Jumps 30"
10 KBS #70
Rest 1 minute
9 Rounds in 19:49

Checked on my Idaho whitetail spot, the stand is already up, all the limbs are cut for good shooting lanes, I have two cameras running and the deer are moving through. A little concerned that there were no bucks on camera in 7 days, I probably put too much human scent out, so I will leave the place on ice until the August 30th opener. I worked on clearing out all the brush from where I park my truck to where I walk into the stand, that way I can sneak in without fighting brush, and so I can navigate in the dark. It's about a mile hike in over a creek and up a mountain, but if you want a mature mountain buck you're going to have to work for it.

On the elk side of things, the camps are set, the mountain house is ready, and 13 cameras are working over-time for me, the September 6th opener could be epic.

This weekend, I will FINALLY go scout out Priest Lake area for moose, I will be taking baby Avery, momma bear, and our side-by-side cruising the road systems learning the country - can't wait!!!!!

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