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Moose Tag

Moose Tag
Picture 2 Boom! After 7 years of applying, finally got a once-in-a-lifetime moose tag in North Idaho. I am super pumped, the season runs from Mid-September all the way up to December 1st. It's in an area that I have never hunted, but I've camped in that area and it's loaded in moose and bear. I am beyond tickled to say the least. My dad shot a moose in Idaho back in 2009, and the meat is probably the best I've had yet. So pumped. Here's that video: Bear hunting this weekend went well, I passed on four bears, and almost got a shot on the boar that I've been after, he came in and circled me, he also had a sow with him, a mating pair, looks like the rut has started early. I will get him next weekend, just keep after it I guess. WGI_0061 Todays' workout 1. Heavy Clean and Jerk Singles #185,205,225,245,275,285 2. 7 Rounds for total time: 5 hang squat cleans #155 12 toes to bar 15 kettlebell swings #70 rest :60sec 17:37

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