Monday is the Best

1. 5x5 Front Squats 70-80% No Racks...squat clean first rep then bang out 4 more fronts squats
2. Power Clean + Squat Clean 70-80% EMOM for 5 minutes
3. Push Jerks 3x5 #155,195,215
4. Conditioning:
1k Row + 21 Power Cleans #135
500m Row + 15 Power Cleans #155
250m Row + 9 Power Cleans #185
***1 bar, change out weights
I should have rowed faster...this time is beatable
My dad put up 3 more bait sites this weekend while we're were hosting a CrossFit competition Empire Classic Games He told me that 3 of our existing sites are getting hammered, plus he saw two different shooter bears with his two eyes during early afternoon time stamps...I need to get up to Idaho asap if I'm going to complete my goal of a spot and stalk bruin by end of May. I am going to take the second week off in June to hunt bears, but until then it will be midweek bomb runs which I am fully prepared for. This weekend we're headed to Regionals to support our team competing - it's our farm team and I can't wait to see them all get exposure to high level competition. I also signed up for a local competition just 8 weeks away called Fittest in the Park which gives me something to train for, diet for, sleep for, and work hard for... gotta have goals or you will not improve.