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friday spandies

friday spandies
06/27/2014 STRENGTH 1. EMOM Power Clean + Clean (80% of power clean) 6X1 #205, 205, 215, 215, 225, 225 2. EMOM Power Snatch + Full Snatch 6x1 #135, 155, 165, 170, 175, 185 2. Back Squat (80%) 2X5, (85%) 3X4 + #60 chains #300, 320 WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Press (95/65) Strict Pull Up 7:48 Went scouting this weekend, I now have 9 cameras up in the woods. 2 for whitetail, 7 for elk. 4 different drainages and lots of potential for 2014 to say the least. Also filmed a "Get Serious Get Fit" video for Hoyt Archery, I'll submit it next week. Tomorrow I fly to MI to film a boot commercial for Wood 'n Stream, so I will be training very early in the morning before my morning flights. No excuses, just results. 20140628_133117_1_resized IMG_20140629_143330_resized

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