Just getting ready to fly out to the ATA - probably close to my 9th show. Here's what I've done this week, before we start tapering for the competition this weekend:
01/05/15 Monday:
Event 3 prep
20 partner med ball passes #20
40 1arm snatches #53
20 partner med ball passes #20
30 1arm overhead squats #53
20 partner med ball passes #20
20 pistols #53
20 partner med ball passes #20
10 weighted pull-ups #53
100' 1arm OH walking lunge
Squat Snatches Barbell Cycling #165x4,174x4, 185x3
Back Squat 5x5 at 90% of 5rm max #305
Deficit Snatch Grip Deadlift #205 5x3
GHD Raises 5x5
01/06/15 Tuesday
Event #4 - 800m Swim with partner alternating 50m at a time... 13:48.
1 min amrap x7 with 1 min rest b/t
10 STOH #155 + max hs walk in remaining time
70m HS Walks
"Elizabeth" (squat cleans)
#135 Squat Cleans
Ring Dips