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Elkshape  |  SKU: ESHA0017-3F

Carter Too Simple #ElkShape Edition

$254.99 USD


The Too Simple is one of the most popular releases on the market today due to its simplicity, comfort and its ability to tighten groups quickly. This 3 finger design aids in repeatable hand and finger pressure - your groups will never be the same again.


The Too Simple 3 Finger is a simple release with no bells and whistles for the hunter looking to keep things easy in the field.

  • Maximizes draw length with a short neck
  • It has an adjustable trigger tension, self-closing jaw onto D-loop with just a push of a button for the most efficient and quick use for drawing back on your target
  • Unique double sear trigger system that makes for ultra-fine trigger travel
  • Super micro adjustable trigger tension by the turn of a set screw
  • Self-closing jaw easy loading onto a D-loop with just a push of a button