Tuesday Doomsday

1. EMOM for 8 Minutes
Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + Push Jerk
4x1 75% #205
4x1 80% #225
2. 6 Rounds of:
5 Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
5 Weighted Strict Dips
3. Chipper For Time:
50 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
40 KBS #70
30 Toes To Bar
20 Thrusters #95
10 Thrusters #135
Went to the range in the morning, one micro adjustment on the rest towards the riser and I was back to tune mode...bottom line, strings stretch a little no matter what. I use winner's choice strings and have 100% faith that they're the best on the market, but keeping the rig highly tuned is my only priority. I shot groups at 40, 50, 68, 53, 40. September is just around the corner... Train, Scout, Shoot.