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Thursday November 13th

Thursday November 13th

Today was pretty amazing, woke up not feeling like my usual motivated self, but was able to talk myself into some "bitch" work. I drove to the trailhead, loaded down #40 and hiked 3 miles round trip in just under 1 hour.

Then I picked up my little girl and brought her to the CrossFit box so her momma could catch up on some sleep. Taught a few classes and saw the CF Spokane Valley crew get after it. Dream Job!

1. Low Hang Full Snatches (Blocks) 5x2
#115,145,165,175,185 (felt pretty explosive)

2. Front Squat from the bottom only 3x2 #215,245,265
This is where you have your weight on blocks, crawl under it and front squat out of the hole with zero stretch shortening cycle. These are worse than pause front squats.

3. Deficit Snatch Deadlifts 3x3 #195

4. 7 minute AMRAP:
3 Power Snatches #145
6 Strict HSPU
Max Effort (ME) Muscle Ups
4 Rounds (Muscle Ups = 12,8,7,6)

Rest 2 minutes, then max effort wall ball shots - #40 19 reps
Rest 2 minutes, then max effort toes to bar - 27 reps

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