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  • Week 12 | 2019

    Week 12 | 2019

    Monday 3/18/19 Front Squat Double Plus Back Squat Triple | 7 sets climbing, ended at 275# Box Step-ups 4x5 each leg, 24" box, 40#'s Dumbbells each hand 10 Ring Dips...

  • Week 7 | 2019

    Week 7 | 2019

    Monday 2/11/2019 Snatch Complex: Squat Snatch + OHS + Hang Squat Snatch + OHS | 175# 4 Rounds for time: 24 calorie Assault Bike, 100 double unders, 6 Power Cleans...

  • Week 3 | 2019

    Week 3 | 2019

    Monday 1/14/19 8 rep heavy back squat | 275#, then 2x8 at 90% of that number 250# 8 rep heavy push press | 145#, then 2x8 at 90% of that...