17.4 and 17.5
Monday 3/21/2017 1. 17.4 REDO - 1 round + 4 reps 2. Snatches hang climbing (at knee) #95-195 3. Back Squats #265 4x4 Tuesday 3/22/2017 1. 5 rounds of high...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 3/21/2017 1. 17.4 REDO - 1 round + 4 reps 2. Snatches hang climbing (at knee) #95-195 3. Back Squats #265 4x4 Tuesday 3/22/2017 1. 5 rounds of high...
Anyone coming across this training portion of ELKSHAPE just please be aware that this is what I do to stay in shape for life, for CrossFit, and for hunting with...