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Mid Volume Thursday

03/20/2014 Today for me was a mid volume session knowing that tomorrow I'll be doing the CrossFit Open 14.4 workout tomorrow.  It gets released tonight at 5pm PST.  Here is the Link to the Live Announcement from CrossFit HQ Today's Medicine: 1. 3 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of: 7 burpees to a 6" target + 5 power cleans #155 using an axle bar (aka fat bar).  4 rounds complete. 2.  5 rounds for total reps and time of: #160 unbroken max effort push jerks + 300m row + :90 second rest.  Total Time was 14:27 and 52 reps.  Technique on the push jerk got smoother in the later rounds as I was more warmed up - noted. 3. 3 Rounds for total time: 10 Double KB Swings #44 in each hand + 200 yard shuttle run in 10 yard increments + :90 second rest.  7:41 4.  Skill Work: handstand push-ups without a wall - lots of skill needed here regarding my hollow body position.

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