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9 months out from September

9 months out from September
Developing mental toughness through lifestyle. Every hunter wants to be stronger mentally for obvious reasons. Hunting is never a sure thing, in fact the only certainty is uncertainty. With that being said, I want you all to know that you can make yourself stronger between the ears. Here's how: 1. Talk Positively to Yourself. Bad things are temporary. Bad things happen so it won't be a problem, you're prepared. Always talk yourself through what you can do during adversity and know that it is only temporary. Shit will happen when hunting. Can you stay positive? I say yes through positive self talk and surrounding yourself with positive people. 2. Setting Goals. What do you need to achieve today so you can achieve what you really want tomorrow? Write down your goals, track your progress (this is powerful) and be ready for the unexpected problems that always pop up when hunting. 3. Get Comfortable with Uncomfortable Do workouts like the ones I list below in my weekly training journal. They are down right difficult and sometimes seem impossible. Doing things each week that you don't want to do builds discipline and character. It makes delayed gratification a real thing. Something are younger generations don't know much about. Train at your weaknesses. Spend time making yourself better and enjoy the suck. Find dark places in your training and spend time there. This is the hard route. This will make you better. 4. Use Simulations Visualization is great becasue you can do it anywhere as as OFTEN as you like. Do this alongside perfect practice and you will be deadly. Make your practice sessions as close to the real thing as possible. Ideas are train in the early mornings. Wear your pack loaded down when you head to the archery range. Shoot your equipment under duress. Backpack often and keep your boots broke in. This is just a friendly reminder for those that take the time to read my blog that you can and will make yourself stronger between the ears in the off-season. People are not born mentally tough. It is something to train constantly. monday 01/02/2017 1. power snatches #115x3,135x3,155x3,164 2x3,145x3 2. back squats #185x5,220x5,255x3,292 6x2 3. rdl #95x5, 185x5,220x3,250 6x5 4. conditioning: 30-20-10 pull-ups & calories on bike...right into 30-20-10 push jerks #155 & split lunges (15 ea. leg, etc) | 10:53 tuesday 01/03/2017 1. Power Clean and Push Jerk #160 3+3, 180 3+3, 210 3+3, 220 3+3, 200 3+3 2. Snatch Balance 6x3 #130,150,170,180,190,180 3. Clean Pull 4x2 #230 with pause just off floor 4. 5 rounds of: 1 minute row for calories 1 minute power cleans #135 1 minute burpee over the bar 1 minute rest | 255 reps wednesday 01/04/2017 1. snatch 6x3 #130,150,170,182,182,160 2. Jerk Balance 6x3 #115,145,155,170,185,170 3. Front Squat #260x3, 275x1, #260x3, 285x1, #260x3,295x1 4. Conditioning for time: 400m Row + 21 OHS #135 400m Row + 15 OHS 400m Row + 9 OHS | 8:19 5. Strict JT 21-15-9 for time of: strict handstand push-ups strict ring dips strict push-ups | 7:45 thursday 01/05/2017 *active rest* 3 mile snow shoe hike friday 01/06/2017 1. Back Squats 5x6 #255 2. Partner Workout: 15 Kangaroo jumps/OH hold #135 24" Box 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs/OH hold 15 Burpee Box Jumps/OH hold 45 Dead lifts/Chin over bar hold #185 270 Double Unders/Front Rack Hold #185 45 Dead lifts/Chin over bar hold 15 Burpee Box Jumps/OH hold 15 Burpee Box Jump Overs/OH hold 15 Kangaroo jumps/OH hold | 15:56 saturday 01/07/2017 1. build up to a heavy single axle bar clean and jerk | #215 (alternating grip) 2. partner wod: 25 burpee buy-in 30-20-10-20-30 calories on bike ghd sit-ups clean and jerks axle bar #110 25 burpee buy-out | 26:14 Please Check out my Partners Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Bohning Archery Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kentrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel

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