The 2017 CrossFit Open Starts
Monday 2/20/17
1. Snatch Singles | #135,155,175,185,195,205
2. Snatch High Pulls | 5x2 #210
3. Reverse Hypers 5x10 #180
4. Bulgarian Split Squats 6 each leg with #35's DB's
5. Box Step Ups 6 each leg with #35's DB's
6. 5 rounds of bike 1:00 plus 7 ring muscle ups
7. 2 full cleans + 2 push jerks off box at knee | #155,185,205,215,225
8. 10 min intervals :30s bike, :30s rest | 115 cals
Tuesday 2/21/17
1. Full Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk | #95,145,165,185,195
2. Full Clean + Split Jerk | #215,235,240,240,250
3. Heaving Snatch Balance | #155x3, 175x2, 195x1
4. 3 rounds for time:
27 cal row
21 hang power cleans #135
18 kipping hspu
15 bar facing burpees | 14:14
5. Accessory: 4 rounds
hip bridges double and sing 10 reps each
strict toe to bar x5
strict ghdsu x10
Wednesday 2/22/17
1. Emom 10 min
Odd 6 C&J #165
Even 3 squat snatch #165
2. 2 front squats from deficit + jerk
3. 6 rds for time
40m prowler #135
10 ttb
10 wb #30
10 box jumps 24" | 14:10
Friday 2/24/17
1. Snatch off blocks at knee singles | #95,125,155,175,185,195,205 no misses
2. Clean and Jerk off blocks at knee singles | #205,215,225,225
3. 17.1 Open:
10 Dumbbell Snatches Alternating #50 + 15 burpee box jump overs
20 snatches + 15 bbjo
30 snatches + 15 bbjo
40 snatches + 15 bbjo
50 snatches + 15 bbjo | 13:56
Saturday 2/25/17
1. Back Squat + Rack Jerk Behind the Neck 2+2 | #95,125,145,175,195
2. Back Squat + Rack Split Jerk Behind the Neck 1+1 | #215,215,215,225,225
3. For Time:
100' HS Walk
20 Muscle Ups
100 dubz with ZEUS rope (weighted rope)
40 Chest to Bar Pull-up
50 cal Assault Bike | 16:09
Please Check out my Partners
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Bohning Archery
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK