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  • Hunt Solo Public

    Hunt Solo Public

    Today we are chatting with Stephen Cordaro from Georgia - he travels to hunt out West annually and goes solo! We discuss his hunt plan for 2024, which states and...

  • LIVE Q & A: Fitness, Elk & Spring Bear

    LIVE Q & A: Fitness, Elk & Spring Bear

    Live Q & A!!! Your questions sent in from Instagram... everything from bow tuning, fitness and elk hunting! Separation is in the Preparation   Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast Exclusives:...

  • Updates, FAQ & Spring Turkey/Bear Hunting

    Updates, FAQ & Spring Turkey/Bear Hunting

    Today we're going over some FAQ on arrow set-ups, dialing in sight tapes, and of course our plans for spring turkey and bear hunting #elkshape  Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast...

  • Seek Discomfort

    Seek Discomfort

    MRS ElkShape and Dan sit down to discuss training philosophy, the new Discomfort App and their fitness journeys.   Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast Exclusives: The Elk Collective - $25 off our...

  • How to BALANCE Your Hunting Portfolio

    How to BALANCE Your Hunting Portfolio

    Today's podcast is LIVE from Ryan Lampers' Western Hunting Summit.  This lecture excerpt is centered around identifying the areas at which you do not excel in when it comes to...

  • Archery Strong with Christian Williams

    Archery Strong with Christian Williams

    Today we are exploring best practices when it comes to fitness and insuring your shoulders are bulletproof.  We're interviewing Christian Williams of Archery Strong on his fitness and injury prevention...

  • Dissecting Colorado Elk Hunting Opportunities

    Dissecting Colorado Elk Hunting Opportunities

    Let's break down Colorado elk hunting opportunities with Garth Jenson of Huntin' Fool.  There's some big changes to go over and some unheard of approaches to cover.  Garth is arguably...

  • ElkShape Podcast EP 66 - Train to Hunt

    ElkShape Podcast EP 66 - Train to Hunt

    Today we're recording with longtime friend Kenton Clairmont of Train To Hunt.  We have a rich history, in fact I know Kenton since 2004.  We talk about the old days...