Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here

thursday & friday

06/05/14 1. Split Jerk (FROM RACKS OR BLOCKS) 10 minutes (70%) 3×2 #195, (75%) 3×3 #215 3. Back Squat 15 minutes (60%) 1X8 #220, (65%) 1X8 #240, (70%) 1X6 #255, (75%) 2X6 #275 4. Strict Toes 2 Bar 5X10 * NOTE 3 & 4 WILL BE ALTERNATING 5. 4 Rounds For Time: 200m Run 25 pull-ups 25 wall balls #25 @ 10' buy-out - 5 legless rope climbs 15:30 06/06/15 STRENGTH 1. Power Clean + Full Clean (65%) 1X2 #160, (70%) 1X3 #195 2. Push Press (75%) 5X5 EMOM for 5 min #165 WOD 5 rounds for max reps: :40 Front Rack Lunges #95 - 75 reps :20 REST :40 KB Snatches Alternating (55) - 75 reps :20 REST :40 Strict HSPU - 26 reps :20 REST 2 Rounds of a 40 yard prowler finisher. Willi Schmidt of Pure Hunting and Santino Castellanos from Outta Bounds are here to go bear hunting with me for a week - I plan on knocking their socks off with some awesome DIY public land bear hunting. More to come!!!! Instagram

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