Spring Break Over
Ok, so my mini-spring break is over and it's back to the grindstone. I really love the mountains and arranging my life so I can be in them is extremely apparent to me. This last week really taught me that I need to find more balance in my training schedule. I'll admit, I've been training so hard that my body is sort of rejecting the volume lately and my shooting has taken a back seat. So I've had to recalibrate my thinking and go back to my old man workout splits:
Train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday... and resting/shooting on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. I will always get a good hike in on Sundays, but Wednesdays and Saturdays I need to be at the local range shooting the 3D course. I don't shoot everyday, but I do make sure that reps happen every week. I am hoping the extra rest will give me more intensity on my training days and wind down the nagging little injuries that have accumulated.
Monday April 3rd, 2016
1. 1. Snatch
Min 1: 2 Snatches at 70%
Min 2: 2 Snatches at 75%
Min 3: 1 Snatch at 80%
Min 4: 1 Snatch at 85%
Min 5: 2 Snatches at 70%
Min 6: 2 Snatches at 75%
Min 7: 1 Snatch at 80%
Min 8: 1 Snatch at 85%
2. Squat
2RM Front Squat #225,245,265,285,300
3. For Time:
30 Box Jumps, 24/20
30 KBS, 1.5/1-pood
30 Front Squats, 135/95
30 TTB
30 Push Press, 135/95
30 Deadlifts, 135/95
30 Wall Balls, 30/20
30 Burpees
30 Triple Unders
Tuesday April 4th, 2016
1. Strict JT 21-15-9
Strict HSPU
Strict Ring Dips
Strict Push-ups | 12:09
2. 21-15-9 hang power cleans #185
1 min rest b/t rds | 5:26 total time
3. 3 rounds for time of:
21-15-9 ghdsu, assault bike, dball #100 | 8:24
4. EOMON (every other minute on the minute) 100m sprint 80-90% 6 rounds
Wednesday April 5th, 2016
REST DAY | Shot the 3D course at the local archery range
Thursday April 6th, 2016
1. Clean Complex
Work up to a max effort 1 Squat Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Squat Clean #185,205,225,245,255
2. “Big Sexy”
5 RFT:
6 Deadlifts, 315/225
6 Burpees
5 Cleans, 225/155
5 C2B pull-ups
4 Thrusters, 155/105
4 Muscle-ups | 23:46
Friday April 7th, 2016
1. Team Amanda 9-7-5 Muscle ups and Squat Snatches #135
10:42, team of 3, each doing the rounds as a relay
2. OHS triples... stay light at #185
3. Team of 3 For time:
—1 round of:
50 double-unders unbroken each relay
50 squats synchro
95-lb. push press, 25 reps synchro
—Then, 2 rounds of:
50 double-unders unbroken each relay
30 squats
95-lb. push press, 15 reps
—Then, 3 rounds of:
50 double-unders unbroken each relay
20 squats
95-lb. push press, 10 reps | not sure of our time
Saturday April 8th, 2016
1. Snatch Grip Push Press Behind the Neck EMOM for 5 rounds | #185
2. Back Squat Triples #225,245,275,295,300,300
3. 5 Rounds for time:
25 cal row
16 chest to bar pull-ups
9 12" Deficit HSPU Paralettes | 23:20
Sunday April 9th, 2016
Went to the archery range and worked on my sight tape at 80 yards
Then helped my dad split about 3 cords of wood.