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Late Season Elk/Deer

Late Season Elk/Deer
Ok so we launched the podcast, we have late season archery starting, and we're having to be responsible with adult stuff too. Busy time of year for me personally, but I wouldn't want it any other way! I have all next week dedicated to sitting stands for deer and possibly some spot and stalk public ground elk hunting to boot. Here's the workouts I did last week: Monday 11/20/2017 1. 3 position snatch 3 sets #165 2. EMOM 9 7 calories bike + 2 squat snatches #170 3. Back Squat | #220x5,250x5,270x4,280x4,290x3,290x3 4. EMOM 10 Odd: 2 strict muscle ups Even: 30 double unders zeus rope 5. Not for time, partner workout, you go...I go... 50' handstand walk + 20 GHDSU + 50' handstand walk Tuesday 11/21/2017 1. EMOM 10 #165 Power Clean & Jerk x3 2. D.T. 5 rounds for time: 12 deadlifts + 9 hand cleans + 6 jerks | #50 dumbbells 5:31 3. 4 rounds for time: 400m Run Trueform 6 Dball Cleans #150 | 10:39 4. Accessory: Floor Press 3x10 #155 Deadlifts 3x3 #305 Wednesday 11/22/2017 1. 3 rounds for time 10 snatches #135 20 box jump overs "24 30 wall ball shots #30 | 13:45 2. Front Squats 5x3 #255 Thursday 11/23/2017 Thanksgiving - cleaned the gym and rested Friday 11/24/2017 Hiked feed into my stand 3 miles #50 Saturday 11/25/2017 All day tree stand sit - 2 deer (small bucks) and 1 moose. Sunday 11/26/2017 1. 5 rounds, 1 minute at each station: Dumbbell Snatches alternating #70 | 15,15,17,18,20 Strict Pull-ups | 15,15,14,14,13 Strict Bar Dips | 17,19,20,21,22 Rest 1 minute b/t rounds 2. Back Squat | workout up to a heavy single #335 3. Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk | 5 sets #185 ElkShape Partners Bohning Archery Caribou Gear Game Bags Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK Phelps Quality Game Calls

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