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Friday & Saturday

Friday & Saturday

1. Power Snatch + Full Snatch 6x1
#125, 145, 155, 165, 175, 180
2. 6x Max Effort Pull-Ups (ME)
11, 11, 10, 9, 9, 9
3. 5 Rounds of:
3 minute AMRAP:
Power Clean #195 x3
HR Push-Ups x6
Air Squats x9
**1 Minute Rest b/t AMRAPs
309 reps

In no particular order:
Farmer Walks #160 in each hand 20 yards
Stone ground to Shoulder #150
Zercher Squats (did triples with chains... highest #225)
Wall Ball Shots #30
Toes To Bar

Nice little extra credit session on saturday, shot the bow right afterwards with broadheads at these distances:
93, 44, 73, 54, 36 - emptied my quiver and put some solid shots out at the range. Short session but worth the practice.

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