He Ditched the Midwest Completely...
Josh Smunk sold his small business, his home and moved his family to Northwest Wyoming to start a new chapter. Since then he's created a llama business, became a volunteer...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Josh Smunk sold his small business, his home and moved his family to Northwest Wyoming to start a new chapter. Since then he's created a llama business, became a volunteer...
Here's to elk calling with a team, breaking down strategies to employ, and understanding the nuances behind each tactic. Dirk and myself go over best practices for partner elk calling...
This is a GOLD podcast - lots of relevant questions about all things elk hunting get answered. Jason Phelps and I take turns answering questions from a LIVE audience at...
Herd bulls are tricky so we're picking the brain of Trent Williams who's had some major success on public land arrowing 3 bulls over 350+... He breaks down some of...
Tim Connor is currently the producer for the ElkShape YouTube Channel. Since he's stepped in we've more than doubled our YouTube subscriber base with consistent quality videos. Today we cover...
Matt Kane from Hunt the Top joins us today to cover pack goats for the backcountry - choosing your hunting partner(s) wisely and how to lead your family with biblical...
We are talking with former archery pro shop owner and avid ultra-marathon runner Cory Miller of PSE. We are discussing how he came down with Rhabdomyolysis from exercising and ways...
Imagine picking up the best set of elk sheds (380+) and stumbling upon a wolf den full of brand new pups that cannot open up their eyes, and their mom...
Brian Barney from Ennis, Montana is a world class public land bowhunter. He is an exceptional archer, fly fisherman and husband/father. He's extremely talented but also hard working. We dive...
Today we are learning from a successful entrepreneurial elk hunter family man named Kyle Ostrand. His desire to succeed is undeniable and we dive into his best practices as...
Today we are announcing the launch of the Elk Collective with Jason Phelps, Dirk Durham and Jon Gabrio. Follow The Elk Collective on Instagram The Elk Collective Website Listeners...
Today we're conducting a LIVE Q&A session with campers from the ElkShape Camp Colorado Camp. We have Dirk Durham, Aron Snyder, Jeff Bynum, and Frank Peralta on the panel. The...
Chris Jackson is a die hard elk hunter from Southeast Washington. He's also the owner of Solvid camera systems that allow you to self film your own hunts. We also...
2020 elk season plans are starting to take place so today we record with Ben Gorman to better understand elk hunting tactics and scouting. We go over some of his...