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  • Sara Gamache AKA PNW Huntress

    Sara Gamache AKA PNW Huntress

    ELKSHAPE Podcast Sara Gamache - talking bowhunting across the globe, how to create more time to hunt and getting the next generation exposed to hunting! 💢 Discount Codes 💢 BORN...

  • Elk Tags Gone?  How to Pivot

    Elk Tags Gone? How to Pivot

    Today we are recording with a Dentist from North Carolina who has been hunting OTC elk in Colorado for the past five seasons. We discuss how to pivot your elk...

  • Arrow Build for Elk 2024...

    Arrow Build for Elk 2024...

    Today we are chatting with Ironwill Bill of Ironwill Outfitters - We are pouring over the data from a study he sponsored at the University of Colorado testing arrow flight,...

  • Kolby Hanley Ultraview Archery

    Kolby Hanley Ultraview Archery

    Today we are chatting with Kolby Hanley of Ultraview Archery - we get to know his story, how he got into archery and the origin story of his successful company....

  • One-Legged Firefighter Bowhunter

    One-Legged Firefighter Bowhunter

    Carter Lewis lost his leg on his first day as a Firefighter when he was only 20 years old. Fast forward 6 years later and he's out crushing mountain hunts...

  • HELM YEAH & Public Land Elk Hunting

    HELM YEAH & Public Land Elk Hunting

    "It’s taking me almost 20 years to figure out what elk hunting really means to me. It’s different things for different people. It even changes depending on the year, the...

  • Carlton Calls & Carlton Legacy

    Carlton Calls & Carlton Legacy

    I'm honored to catch up with an old friend Marc Carlton!  He's a firefighter and runs a calling company NativeByCarlton that he father started over 35 years ago! Marc's dad Wayne is a...

  • Top Gear Picks from the Black Ovis Team

    Top Gear Picks from the Black Ovis Team

    Today we're discussing hunt adventures from 2022, the gear upgrades that you might need to consider and of course, what the team at Black Ovis is setting their sights on...

  • 2nd Week of September Elk Hunting Strategy

    2nd Week of September Elk Hunting Strategy

    Today we are brainstorming all the tactics and considerations for the second week of September based upon historical elk encounters, moon phase and hunting pressure! Listeners of the ElkShape Podcast...