ElkShape PODCAST EP 1 - Dan The Fitness Man

As this gets published, I am 5 short days away from getting after some late season Washington archery deer and elk. I do not have any elk showing up on my camera yet, we need a little more snow to push them down to the elevation of my stand. Surprisingly, I have two mature boars hitting my deer food in the middle of November. I was hoping the bears in the area would already den up for the winter by now. With bears in the general area, the deer and elk movement will slow down. I do think I will still pull an all day sit for the opener up there, the chances of a buck cruising for his next girlfriend are probable. I have one other set on some private ground, the best buck there is about a 130 5x5 or ten point if you are a midwest person. I have had a 150 framed mountain buck come through my mountain set a few times so I'd like to give myself a chance at him. Fitness wise I am working on improving my power output while maintaining some consistent metabolic workouts. Nutrition has been pretty dialed. Food prep has been really important with my busy schedule. I encourage anyone and everyone to look at the workouts I do below and let them serve as a template for you to try something different. All workouts blur the distinction between weights and cardio. I don't isolate or segregate muscles, neither does nature. We are dropping the ELKSHAPE podcast on elkshape.com, this is a way to focus on diving deeper into fitness, elk hunting, and professional development. I will be handpicking guests from time to time and answering listen questions. I am excited to add this in. I'll let you know (trust me) when the first episode makes it way to the iTunes.