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Week 21 | 2019

Week 21 | 2019

Training has been random, I am in the THICK of bear season and my priorities revolve around it... as much as they can.  Here's what I got for workouts amidst the bear chaos:

Monday 5/20/2019

1. Back Squat 8x3 50% 185#

2. Lunges 4x10 each leg banded

3. GHD Raises 4x8

4. 100 burpees for time 20# vest | 6:24

5. 200m Prowler Sled Push for time 180# | 3:06

Tuesday 5/21/2019

1. EMOM 10 | Squat Clean & Jerk Single | 225#

2. 4 rounds for time: 21 cal bike & 7 Clean & Jerks 155# | 11:06

3. For Time: 200m Sled drag + 200m Sled pull 90# | 7:59

Wednesday 5/22/2019

1. 3 rounds for time: 400m Run, 20 air squats, 20 push-ups, 20 wall ball shots w/20# vest, 300 double under buy-out | 20:10

2. 3 Rounds not for time: 20 GHD Sit-ups + 15 Strict Pull-ups

Tuesday 5/28/2019

1. Build to a heavy back squat single | 335#


1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run, 20# vest | 43:39

Wednesday 5/29/2019

1. 3 rounds not for time: 50# Sandbag overhead carry 200' and 150# dBall bear hug carry 200'

2. Deadlifts 10 at 245#, 8 at 265#, 6 at 285#, 4 at 305#, 2 at 325#

3. 5 rounds for time: 3 box jumps 36", 6 toes to bar, 9 cal bike | 6:51


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