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"Tore Up From the Floor Up"

"Tore Up From the Floor Up"

"Tore up from the floor up," is what my buddy Bash said to me today - I couldn't agree more and tomorrow is a rest day for sure. Today I hauled the second to last load of stuff from our storage unit to our new home in Spokane Valley. 2014 has been busy...moved the gym to a bigger and better space, sold our home of ten years in Spokane, moved all our stuff to a storage unit, rented an apartment, built a home, had a beautiful baby, and now we're finally settling into our new home. Did I mention training hard everyday, scouting for the fall, and basically giving everything everyday because not a single one is to be wasted. God is great, and we're nothing without him. I may act tough 99% of the time, but trust me all my strength comes from Him and I only seem to get into trouble when I rely on my own strength. Here's today's wod:

1. "Primer"
2 rounds not for time of:
1 legless rope clim
10 wall ball shots #30
5 pull-ups
4 chest to bar pull-ups
3 bar muscle ups
20 yard plate push
(primers are great for getting the heart rate spiked and working on movements that don't show up too often in wods).

2. 5x2 Power Snatch + Low Hang Full Snatch
#135, 155, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175

3. EMOM High Bar Back Squat
1x4 75% #275
1x1 85% #315
1x4 75% #275
1x1 90% #335
1x4 75% #275
1x1 95% #355

4. 2 Rounds For Time:
10 Ground to Overhead #185
800m Run

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